ヘロデとエルサレムの民 マタイ伝 第2章Herod and the people of Jerusalem X Facebook はてブ Pocket LINE コピー 2021.09.28 マタイ伝 2章3節 ヘロデ王わうこれを聞きゝて痛いたむ又またエルサレムの民たみもみな然しかり[引照 舊新約聖書 大正15] 変体仮名「し」U+1B048(志) When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.[King James Version] Manuscript Illumination with Adoration of the Magi [ca. 1515–25 Master of James IV of Scotland (probably Gerard Horenbout)] Courtesy THE MET