
Matthew マタイ伝 第6章

マタイ伝 第6章24節

[引照 舊新約聖書 1926 米國聖書協會]

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannnot serve God and mammon.
[American Standard Version]

Plate 1_ Saint Matthew with his head turned in profile to the left, a cherub at bottom left, from 'The four evangelists', 1541, Sebald Beham German(DP828548)Courtesy THE MET
Plate 1_ Saint Matthew with his head turned in profile to the left, a cherub at bottom left, from ‘The four evangelists’, 1541, Sebald Beham German(DP828548)Courtesy THE MET

