39~41代目 イエス まで

Magi マタイ伝 第1章

マタイ伝 1章16節

[引照 舊新約聖書 大正15]

and Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.
[King James Version]

マリア  : マリヤ
キリスト : メシア
The Adoration of the Magi[ca. 1475 Hieronymus Bosch Netherlandish]Courtesy THE MET
Hieronymus Bosch (Netherlandish, ’s Hertogenbosch ca. 1450–1516 ’s Hertogenbosch) The Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1475 Oil and gold on oak; 28 x 22 1/4in. (71.1 x 56.5cm) Courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, John Stewart Kennedy Fund, 1913 (13.26)

